Archive for September, 2012

Liking Where you Live

One of the most amazing things about Fort Collins is that every weekend there seems to be something going on. I’m from a big city on the West Coast and although one could argue that there was always something happening somewhere in the city, this didn’t always mean you would be able to find it. Fort Collins, on the other hand, is a perfect sized community to allow you to stumble upon something if you just leave your home.

Last Saturday, I decided I needed to escape my home for a few hours. I don’t know about you, but once I enter that place, it’s like a time suck. All my efforts to be productive go down the drain (and land on the bed where I will be asleep “napping” for 4 hours <– that’s a nap, swear). So, I decided that I was going to go downtown and find some cute café and study.

What lucky god was I born under? Instead of only finding a café, I found an entire FESTIVAL!! It was FORToberfest: Fort Collins’ version of Oktoberfest. Their tagline: Bikes, Bands, & Beer. Now, I might not be into ALL of those things, but it was WAY COOL!!! Fort Collins is a huge biking community. Believe me, most mornings I worry about being run over by a stampede of bicyclists on Campus, but A+ on the green living! This festival had all kinds of bikes (and bike providers) being shown off. I saw this 7 PERSON bike…with 7 people carrying different types of alcoholic beverages. They were fist-bumping to the music from one of the three stages where performances were going on (My fav of the day: BEATS NOIR!).

If that doesn’t sell you on the cool, imagine all of the yummy vendors lining downtown and all the families with their dogs tagging along just enjoying the perfect weather. It was a bit cooler for me (well…anything under 70oF is a bit chilly for me…I’m from SAN DIEGO PEOPLE), but the air was crisp, music was being played and I was enjoying the day all from the patio of this nifty café: red table café (they legitimately have ONE red table).

That’s one of the things we forget about when we’re choosing our programs: Where are we spending the next few years while we’re filling our heads with knowledge? For some people that might not be a huge thing. Cool. Gravy. For me, it plays a huge part in my decisions. I need to make sure that when I’m not studying, I am somewhere in the world that I will be happy. Fort Collins is VERY different from what I am use to (San Diego and Los Angeles? Ya, WAY different). But this city has a charm that is unique to itself. And although I complain about the weather (and even then, only when it gets into the imaginary numbers…like -7…that’s a fake number…right?), when the seasons come they paint the city with such a beautiful brush that sometimes I gasp in surprise.

There is something always going on, for the college-minded individual, family oriented soul, or someone like me, who just wants to try EVERYTHING (they have bike-in ß yes, as in BICYCLE movies…way wicked). I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next weekend…


Toxicology and me!

My name is Tina De Giso and I have been in Colorado for a little over a year. Since late summer of 2011, I have been lucky enough to be able to slave away…err…work hard toward a Master’s in Science in Environmental Health, specializing in Toxicology here at Colorado State University. My hope is that through this blog and this upcoming year, I will be able to share all the craziness that comes with  finishing that process.

Now, as for a background on who I am: I am a hapa SoCal girl from the sunny city of San Diego, California (where it does. Not. Snow…). I graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor in Science degree in Neuroscience from UCLA. I took two after graduation to work in a hospital in the radiology department. After working two years on the night shift (and boy, do I have crazy stories from that time…I love sick people), I decided that coming back to school was something I definitely wanted to pursue.

Why Toxicology? No…wait, the first question I always get is: what IS toxicology? For all of you uninitiated souls, toxicology is the study of how natural or man-made poisons cause adverse effects in living organisms. As to the why this program…? Well, my ultimate goal is to enter Medicine, and with my two years’ experience in Radiology, Toxicology seemed to be in line with what I went through. Diagnostic Medicine was like being surrounded by map readers of the body (except the maps where all made from radiation and written in a foreign language that I wanted to learn). Although I may have yet to have had the decoder ring for those maps, the program here has opened up so many other options on exploring and explaining what is going on in the body. Since coming here, I have had the opportunity to expand not only my knowledge in science (and my nerd impact factor is at least a 13 now), but have the pleasure of getting to know some A-MAZING faculty members. As large as my undergraduate school was, this program is unique in the fact that you truly get one-on-one time with your professors. They WANT the students not only to succeed, but to flourish. Regardless of where our end career goals are in life, they want to get us there.

As for my daily dose of life here at CSU here is an outline:

  1. Fall out of bed (the floor rushing to my face is a great wake-up call)
  2. Gym (yup, 6 days a week)
  3. Work (I work for an office on campus known as: Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement)
  4. Class (I AM a student)
  5. Lab (I am so blessed! I get to study PD in Dr. Tjalken’s lab. I LOVE THE BRAIN)
  6. Work (I work for our Department as a Student Coordinator)
  7. Work (I also work for a couple of business off-campus)
  8. Study (I AM A STUDENT!!)
  9. Cook (ya, I have to pack all my meals so that sometime in between all of THAT [insert exhausted pointing finger at the rest of the list] I can eat something)
  10. Sleep (if lucky)
  11. Repeat

So, I will say good-bye for now, but I look forward to sharing my adventures this year.
